
Wednesday 10 August 2016

My Travel Pros and Cons

I know I'm quite new to the world of Travel but with most things in life I don't like going into situations anything less than prepared so I decided to make a Pros and Cons list of travel so that when I'm off on my travels there are no shocks to the system!


Freedom. Up until now I have always relied on other people to come away with me and although for the most part this hasn't been to stressful, I like the idea of solo travelling for the freedoms it will give me. If I want to go somewhere I can just book it an go (depending on annual leave approval), I don't need to think about if someone else wants to go to that destination too or if they will like what I would like to see and do. I like the idea that ill make memories unique to me and that I have wanted to make and I will experience things that I want to experience and not feel like I have to please anyone else this can be done on my terms.

Escapism. I'm not trying to run away from anything as such its more a break from the mundane for me. I have a Monday to Friday 9-5 kind of job which I do enjoy but sometimes things can become a bit samey as with most jobs and the days and weeks can feel like they roll into one another, so even just a change of scenery like trip away for a week or two or even a long weekend helps to break this up and helps me feel refreshed although I'm sure ill never feel ready to return to work, the thought doesn't seem as daunting after a break.

Learning. Travelling to any new country or culture is an opportunity to learn something new and I want to take full advantage of this experiencing it all for myself. I'm a huge history buff so I'm drawn to places that have a rich history and stories to tell. I love the idea of organised tours for this too as you usually get a knowledgeable guide who tells you everything you could possibly need to know.

Self Discovery. I've always been a little bit of a creature of habit and stayed well within my comfort zone, so I see solo travel as a way to push my boundaries and find out for myself what I like and what I don't. Its also a chance to see new places and discover new things find out who I really am, I want to prove to myself that I can do this by myself I and know ill be a better person for it.

Costs. I know you might well think this is a Con and it is a double edged sword featuring in both the Pros and Cons list. If you really do your research and planning you can find some incredible deals that make the costs of travelling low. Saving what money you can will soon add up and depending on what destinations you chose to visit you will find your money can go a long way, if you really want it there are always ways and means to make it happen.


Homesickness. I can get terribly homesick if I'm away from my family and home comforts for to long, and I've probably used this as an excuse to not get away more often,. But, with the advent of modern technology like Skype and What's App staying in contact with loved ones has never been easier, and lets face it being away from home for a little while is nothing compared to the experiences I will have and memories i will make that I can share with my family on my return.

Costs. Like i mentioned in the Pros the costs of travel have their Cons to. Depending on where it is you want to visit depends on how far your cash will stretch, you might well have saved money on flights and accommodation but you still have to factor in living costs as well and this can be the undoing of your whole trip. But with some careful planning prior to the trip you can be prepared, as long as you are aware of general costs before you go you are less likely to have any nasty surprises whilst away.

Anxiety. I have a real hang up that when I first meet new people that they wont like me and this all stems from someone making a snap judgement of me before actually getting to know me years ago now. But this has stuck with me and I always worry that ill make an awful first impression and i wont be able to make new friends, I know I shouldn't worry because I've been in plenty of new social situations since this and got along with people just fine and even made some new close friends over the years, so like i said in my Pros list putting myself out there will help me develop as a person and i hope soon this will no longer be an issue for me.

For me the Pros far out weigh the Cons and I really look forward to getting out there and seeing the world and all it has to offer!

What are your Travel Pros and Cons? Let me know in the comments below.

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